Questions and answers

All Your Questions Answered!

Q1: How do I create my team in Golden Bat Cr?
Create your team by selecting players based on their stats, form, and playing opportunities. Use the “Draft Team” section to build your dream squad and set your strategy!

Q2: Can I make changes to my team after the match has started?
No, team changes can only be made before the match begins. You can adjust your lineup before each match starts.

Q3: What points do I earn for a player’s performance in a match?
Points are awarded for various actions like runs, wickets, boundaries, and more. Check the Ball System section for detailed point breakdowns.

Q4: How often can I join new leagues?
You can join new leagues at any time before the match starts. Be sure to stay updated with available leagues to keep competing!

Q5: Is there a prize for ranking high in the leaderboard?
Yes! Players who rank high in the leaderboard can win exciting prizes and rewards. Stay at the top for your chance to claim them!

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Disclaimer: 18+

Unleash your cricket strategy, assemble your dream team, and claim victory! Golden Bat Cr is available for players aged 18 and above.

Please note that fantasy sports regulations vary by region. Golden Bat Cr fully complies with all local laws to provide a secure and fair platform for players.

Play responsibly—stay focused, stay competitive!

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Golden Bat Cr
+49 30 7884548